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LG2C2L/F(2-Cavity)LG4C2L/F(4-Cavity)LG6C1L/F(6-Cavity)LG1C5L/F(1-Cavity)LG2C5L/F(2-Cavity)○Automatic preform input and ready bottle output system. ○Machine adopt with the overall structure of super-standard anti-vibration design,high-speed operation state of the machine will shake down to a minimum,and ensure that the life of components using will not affected from mechanical vibrations. ○Machine adopt modular assembly methods,greatly decrease the local amendments due to technological improvements when the machine is on processing. ○In order to ensure the rate of fonished products,the oven which used in measuring the performance of the machine,sit in a very important position.The structure oven adopt the intemational most advanced energy-saving technology of infrared radiation heating,temperature control with automatic negative feedback,closed-loop regulation model.   △产品说明 ·实际产能依瓶型设计及瓶坯品质而定 ·以上技术参数不断更新,已实际产品为准 项目 总说明 LG2C2L/F LG4C2L/F LG6C1L/F LG2C5L/F LG1C5L/F 产品规格 理论产量 瓶口最大容量 瓶口最大外径 瓶口最大直径 瓶口最大高度 模腔数 2500 pcs/hr1.5L45mm100mm340mm2 Cavity 4000pcs/hr1.5L45mm100mm340mm4Cavity 6000pcs/hr0.6L45mm67mm270mm6Cavity 1200pcs/hr5L50mm175mm350mm2Cavity 750pcs/hr5L50mm175mm350mm1Cavity 电机规格 整机功率 实际使用功率 25kw15kw 35kw21kw 45kw27kw 40kw25kw 25kw15kw 空压规格 操作压力 低压耗气量 吹瓶压力 高压耗气量 1.0 Map1400L/min≤3.5Mpa1200L/min 1.0 Map1600L/min≤3.5Mpa2400L/min 1.0 Map1600L/min≤3.5Mpa3600L/min 1.0 Map1600L/min≤3.5Mpa2400L/min 1.0 Map1400L/min≤3.5Mpa1200L/min 冷水机规格 压力 温度 流量 0.3-0.5Mpa10-12℃30L/min 0.3-0.5Mpa10-12℃45L/min 0.3-0.5Mpa10-12℃75L/min 0.3-0.5Mpa10-12℃45L/min 0.3-0.5Mpa10-12℃30L/min 机械规格 主机尺寸 主机重量 上料机尺寸 上料机重量 1.9×1.6×2.0m1300kg2.0×1.0×2.0m200kgs 2.5×2.0×2.0m2200kg2.0×1.0×2.0m220kgs 4.2×2.0×2.0m4200kg2.0×1.2×2.0m/2.1×0.9×2.0m200kgs 2.5×2.0×2.0m1900kg2.0×1.0×2.0m200kgs 2.0×1.4×2.0m1600kg2.0×1.0×2.0m200kgs ·实际产能依瓶型设计及瓶坯品质而定 ·以上技术参数不断更新,已实际产品为准
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